Ten Things: Coat Closet

Do you say “foy-ay” or “foy-er”? I say the latter, but po-tay-toe, po-tah-toe…

Y’all! I can’t believe I actually followed through on a decluttering project. Not only did I find ten things to purge, I found 13!!! Thirteen!!! So, without further ado, here are my thirteen things in pictures.

Not the cat! Although, sometimes… I bought this wrap from Urban Outfitters back in 2006 (I remember all of my purchases vividly) and probably wore it five times since. It was cute but not my style but I paid a lotta fucking money for it so yeah; it collected dust in my closet for over a decade. Deuces!
It’s lizard scarf! I bought the yellow and blue pieces off Etsy a few years ago. They were cute for a minute, but again, not my style or color. The bucket hat is an early 2000s relic that gave me perpetual helmet head. Sayonara to all three…
Just two pairs of ugly gloves that should’ve never been in my life to begin with. I don’t even remember buying the colorful pair and the black ones are Isotoners that my old boss gave me one Christmas. I think she got them from the sale bin at Macy’s…
I just wore this Gap coat two weeks ago, but I have a similar one in black, faux fur hood and all. I’m sure it will bring happiness and warmth to someone in need 🙂
I’m 5’1 and cropped anything makes me look like a stuffed pastry with my ample assets. But, as usual, I see something on a statuesque model and have to have it. Can I get my money back?
Another had to have purchase from 2003. I was so pressed for this rain trench, but it was rigid and uncomfortable af! But it was from the Gap, and I paid $38 for it at the time, so I hung on to it. Wore it ONCE! One time!
I loved the idea of this aubergine wool coat with the turtleneck collar, but it didn’t love my body. It was too tight in the bust, so it bunched out awkwardly. But eggplant is such a lovely color… I’ll buy a lipstick or nail polish next time…
My co-worker gave me a lovely 4-ft Christmas tree that sits in planter-like container. It’s much nicer than the 3-foot one I bought from Target two years ago. I don’t need two Christmas trees. Merry Adios!
It’s a torn bag. I don’t think any justification is needed.
I didn’t like this rug when I bought it but I needed to cover up some stains in my foyer, so it served its purpose — until my cats decided to use it as their personal scratching post. Assholes…

So, there you have it! Project Ten, Round 1, is complete. And all of my donate-able items are going to The Vietnam Veterans of America.

I’ll be back next week with the kitchen.

Published by Musings RJ

Lover of books, cats, gorgeous men, and fine fuckery. Love and laughter heals most.


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